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Children of the Renewal Messages


July 29, 2018  Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I believe, hope, love and adore You, my God and my King.  Thank You for Holy Mass this morning!  Thank You for Holy Communion.  What an incredible blessing, Lord.  Thank You for Your holy priest sons, who bring us the Sacraments.  Please bless and protect them as well as the religious who consecrate their lives to You.  Keep them safe, especially those who are travelling.


Lord, thank You for my meeting with (name withheld).  It was so good to see her.  Please continue to give her graces of conversion and penitence.  Help her to have faith in You, Lord.  I pray for all who are away from the Church, Jesus.  Bring them home safely (and quickly) according to Your Holy Will.  Lord, thank You for the meeting yesterday with (name withheld) and the ladies who attended our breakfast meeting yesterday.  It was so good to be able to discuss the retreat we attended.  Help the beauty of the retreat to continue to resonate in my heart.  Lord, this week will be busy for our family.  Help (name withheld) as she begins her externship.  Guide and direct her, Lord so that she learns and remembers what she needs for her new profession and enable her to be a beautiful witness to Your love.  Help us all in this regard, Lord.  Lord, thank You for being with me at work through all of the meetings with people.  Please continue to be with me this week, as well.  Guide me in what I say and do and may Your presence in me radiate to others in need of Your love and mercy.


 (Name and personal petition withheld).   Lord, may all that I do and say be for Your honor and glory.  Help me, Jesus to be more and more like Your Blessed Mother Mary.  Lord, I pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.  May families grow in holiness so to bear fruits for Your Kingdom.  I pray for (name withheld) and for all Your holy priest sons who do missionary work here in our country.  Give them graces to love heroically, the strength to minister to us sheep, and the protection of Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I love You, Jesus.  Help me to love You more.  I trust You, Jesus.  Increase my trust in You.  I believe.  Increase my faith in You, Lord.


Father, thank You for giving us the Feast of God the Father of all Mankind.  What a beautiful feast!  Help me to prepare during this 8-day novena leading up to Your Feast Day.  Help this to be spread all over the earth, Father to give You honor, glory and praise.  May this beautiful day honoring the first person of the Trinity help restore fatherhood to mankind so in need of You, God.  We love You and trust in You!


“My child, God the Father Wills that all will observe and celebrate this feast in His honor and by doing so will receive many graces as well as healing of fatherhood which is in a crisis at this time in the world.  Much healing is needed as a result of absent and unloving fathers to teach, direct, protect and love their families.  This has resulted in a crisis of faith, lack of love, diminished number of vocations, rebellious children, a lack of discipline and respect for authority and if allowed to continue will breed violence and unrest in generations to come.  When children do not have good fathers (or father figures), they are unable to relate to God the Father.  This is why the evil one attacks fatherhood.  Observing this feast day will help to heal the vocation of fatherhood, as God is the Father of All Mankind.  My children, if you did not have a loving father (earthly) know that your Father in Heaven is a loving, kind, merciful father.  He is a good father and He loves you, His children.  There is much evil and corruption in the world, My children.  This does not come as a surprise to many of you, and yet there are more who do not recognize this.  They are somewhat aware, but have become so accustomed to hearing the ‘bad news’ that they are numb to the terrible plight of many of your suffering brothers and sisters.  The unholy culture is all around you and robs the innocence of My very young, little ones.  This is evil at its core, My children.  Parents, shelter your children from evil society that corrupts My holy innocent ones.  Protect them from My adversary who wants to steal purity and chastity from My youth.  Parents, it is your responsibility to protect your children and grandchildren’s innocence.  Shield them.  Protect them.  They are like little white, innocent lambs, abandoned by their shepherds, their fathers and their mothers.  This cannot continue, My children.  Your families are the domestic church.  Do not allow satan an open invitation into your home and worse, into your children’s hearts through vile entertainment and media.  My children—AWAKEN!  Open your eyes.  Do not simply take the ‘easy’ route, or say that ‘everyone else is doing this.’  Come, My Children of Light, if you do not bear light in your hearts, and your homes, why do you lament the darkness in the world?  If you cannot stand against portals of evil into your homes, you will not have a foundation in which to stand against evil that is on your doorstep.  No, you will not stand against what is on your doorstep because you have opened the door and invited it into your homes through the television, lewd advertising, profane music and countless other forms of entertainment.  My children, oh when will you see what you are allowing to happen to your little ones.  Their holy innocence is being stolen and their parents turn a blind eye.  There will be severe judgement on you for this.  Turn now from your wicked ways and pray for your children.  Protect them at all costs.  You are responsible for leading their souls to Heaven.  Protect My little children.  It is your duty.  Love them as I have loved you.  What have I withheld from you, My children?  I sacrificed everything out of love for you.  I did not take the easy, comfortable path.  I said ‘yes’ to My Father’s Will and I accepted the agony, the suffering, the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the cross, bearing the weight of the entire world’s sins including your sins.  I accepted the nailing of My flesh and bones to the cross.  I accepted a violent death, so that you could one day rise and be with Me in Heaven.  I came to heal, to save and to die.  I did not take the easy road, but the road to Calvary.  You must not take the easy road with your children, but stand up for holiness, purity, chastity and love.  Stand up for virtue and love of God.  Stand for My Commandments.  Stand against materialism, egoism, pride, greed and lust.  Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be reconciled to God and My Church.  Turn away from sin and be healed.  I love you.  You are Mine.  We can be united again, but you must focus on purity and teach your children purity.  Teach them modesty, humility, mercy and love.  Do this now before it is too late.”


Lord, please have mercy on us.  Give us the ability to see what needs to be changed in our homes, to put You first, above all things and to truly love one another.  Break the curses put upon our society through drugs, evil spirits and a worldly pride.  Protect our children, Lord when we are not with them.  Keep them safe from all harm.  Surround their little souls with holy friends, mentors and loving relatives.  Jesus, for those children living without parents, give them a multitude of love and consolation directly from the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother.  Send holy, loving adult role models to guide them.  Heal our broken world, Holy Spirit.  Blessed Mother, take our hands and help us find Jesus.  Cover our youth with Your holy mantle of protection.  Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the Earth.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Thank You for Your love, Your guidance, Your correction, Lord.  Praise You for not giving up on us, Father.  Praise You for sending Your Son to redeem us.  Praise You for allowing Your Holy Mother Mary to visit the earth with her instruction, teaching and motherly love.  Prepare us, Jesus for the outpouring of Your Spirit and for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who will crush the head of the serpent by the flame of love, which is You, Jesus!  Come, Holy Spirit, come!  I love You, Lord.  Thank You for loving me.


“My child, My child, it is true that I love you.  I will be with you during every meeting during times of difficulty and times of joy.  Take courage and know that I love you and walk with you.  Have no fear, but trust in Me.  All will be well.  Strengthen your resolve to pray, My child.  I will help you.”


Thank You, Lord.  I love You.


“I remind you of the importance of family prayer, My children.  Remember this; it is for your protection as well as your growth in love and holiness.  Do not neglect family prayer.  I look to you, fathers to be diligent and to lead your family in praying the rosary.  Remember that through the prayer of the rosary, miracles happen, war is averted, relationships healed and wayward children return home.  Do not underestimate the value of family prayer.  Protect your family from vice by praying the rosary and the fertile soil in your hearts will begin to yield fruit for My Kingdom.  All will be well, but you must begin, for there is much work to do to turn around this dark culture and reclaim families for God.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  All is possible with Me.  Pray, frequent the Sacraments and read Holy Scripture.  I love you, My children.  I love you.”


Praise and thank You, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, my Lord and my God!


“Go in peace, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld).   All will be well.  I love you.”


I love You, Lord.  Praise You, Jesus!  Amen!  Alleluia! 

July 22, 2018 Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  It is wonderful to be here with You.  I love You, my Jesus.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion this morning.  It was beautiful as always.  It was so good to see (name withheld).  What a joy to see her and to have her ‘home’ again.  (Name withheld) and I both thought about my Mother and how much we miss her presence with us.  She would have been so pleased (and I’m sure she was) seeing (name withheld) celebrate Mass.  (Private dialogue omitted.)  It truly was a holy moment.  What great joy it was and must have been for all of Heaven.  Lord, please take (name withheld) to Heaven to be with You if she isn’t there already.  Please help (names withheld) as they grieve the loss of their mother.  Console (name withheld), Lord.  It is very painful to experience the loss of someone so close to your heart.  I can’t imagine how painful the sorrows of the Blessed Mother were when she witnessed Your crucifixion and death.  My Jesus, I love You, adore You and praise You, my God and my King.  What can I do for You, my Adorable Jesus?


“Love Me, My child.  Love Me in the Eucharist, My Eucharistic Presence.”


Yes, Jesus.  I love You in Your Eucharistic Presence, Lord.  Help me to love You more.  Jesus, I believe in You; increase my faith.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Help me to trust You more.  Lord, please draw me close to Your Sacred Heart.  Do so for all of my family, Lord.  May we all dwell in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  May we all be in the School of Our Lady where She teaches us to be like You and to follow You more completely.  Lord, please help all mankind to desire Your love and redemption.  Help the desire to love You grow even more intense in my soul, Lord God.  Holy Spirit, lover of my soul, give me the graces to love heroically, to love the Lord God with my entire being.  I am all Yours, Jesus and all that I have is Yours.


“My child, please write My words.  These words are for you and also for all of My children.  I am God, it is true that I created the world out of nothing, but I am also your friend.  I love mankind so much so that I became man to redeem the human race.  I did this out of My deep love for My children, whom I created in My image and likeness.  Though I am certainly all powerful, all knowing and ever present, I am also your friend.  I love mankind so much so, that I lay down My life for My friend.  I wish, no I long to be friends with each and every soul created.  My love, for love’s sake desires love in return.  I thirst for your love, My children.  I desire your friendship now and also in Heaven when your earthly pilgrimage ends My children, those who are far from Me, cause Me deep sorrow, for to be far from Me, endangers your soul.  Do not be distant from Me, My children, but come to Me.  Bring your life’s joys and your life’s sorrows, trials and suffering to Me.  Bring your fears, your challenges, your concerns to Me.  I am the answer to all of life’s problems.  I await your visits to Me in the Adoration Chapels and in every Tabernacle in the world, where I am often left to Myself.  I do not abandon you, My children.  It is you who abandon Me.  Come, visit with Me.  When you bring your concerns and burdens to Me, I will help you carry them.  I make your burdens light, My children.  If your crosses are heavy, that is because you are attempting to carry them without Me.  Do you not see that even I needed assistance to carry My heavy cross?  It was the plan of God, the Father.  Every concern, no matter how small, must be brought to Me.  Come, I will guide and direct you.  I will give you graces to grow in holiness and love.”


Thank You, Jesus, my Lord.  Thank You for Your presence and for making Yourself accessible to Your flock.  Jesus, please grant my request for our parish, if it is Your Will.  May we have an Adoration Chapel, also.  It would help our parishioners to grow in holiness and love, send more vocations to the priesthood and religious life, Jesus.  Lord, I pray for all people to return to You, to Your love.  Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.  May the Immaculate Heart of Your Holy Mother Mary triumph, Jesus.  Jesus, I give You all of my concerns, requests and needs.  I trust everything to You and to Your Holy Will.   Thank You, Lord for Your love, Your mercy and for Your concern with each matter we entrust to You.  Praise You, Jesus!


“My child, you are welcome.  I do concern Myself with all that My children are going through.  I take each request and go to work for the good of each soul.  When souls trust Me to take care of their needs and cease to worry, I can do great things due to their trust and confidence in Me.  The more a soul trusts, the more I can accomplish in their soul.  Souls who trust in My mercy and love can receive graces to rise to extraordinary heights of holiness.  I seek souls such as this to be especially close to My heart.  My child, continue to grow in your trust in Me.  You are learning.  Through this trust, you also experience a greater sense of peace.  There is no need for worry, when you have confidence in Me, your Jesus!” 


Yes, Lord!  Amen!  Thank You, my Savior.  Jesus, have You anything more to say to me?


“Yes, My little lamb. Please write.  I invite all of My children to come close to Me now.  Do not delay for to do so is to waste precious time.  It is also foolish to delay because no one is guaranteed tomorrow.  You do not know what may occur that will cause you to hasten to stand before God and give an account of your life, so do not delay.  Decide for Me, My children.  Decide for a closer relationship with Me.  Your souls are precious to Me and I do not want to lose any of you, My children to the eternal fires of hell.  Your place, your true home is in Heaven.  It is beautiful there.  It is filled with souls who love God and love one another.  You must learn to love now, or you will not desire Heaven.  If you do not desire Heaven, you do not desire God, for Heaven is where God’s Kingdom is, and where He reigns.  It is your inheritance.  Do not forfeit your inheritance for the fleeting worldly pleasure.  These cannot satisfy you, My children.  They are only temporary, and they leave you empty and wanting more.  You seek to be filled with the wrong things.  These things you seek, that you think will satisfy you are not really what your soul longs for, but what you really long for, only I, your Lord can fill.  Come to Me and bring all of your sins, your wounds, your burdens.  Give them to Me.  I will burn your sins in the fire of My love.  I will purify you.  You will then be free, truly free.  Free to love.  Free to follow Me with hearts on fire with My love.  We will walk together and then your lives will be filled with hope, joy and love.  Yes, you will still experience hardship and challenges but they will not be so difficult knowing that I bear them with you and that we walk together.  You face much more difficult crosses now, and you do not share them with Me, therefore I am unable to help you out of respect for your free will.  Do not think that your life will be boring if you follow Me for the opposite is true.  This is simply another lie told by the father of lies.  Instead, your life will be exciting for it will be filled with the gifts of My Spirit.  It will be filled with wonder and awe knowing that you are truly loved by God and by those who love God.  All of Heaven will rejoice when you come into the family of God.  Then, you can begin living the Kingdom of God now, in your heart and you will be prepared to come to Heaven on that day that the Lord God in His wisdom and in His mercy calls you home.  Be of good cheer, My children, for I love you.  I love you no matter what you have done or not done.  No matter how great your sins or how small your love.  I love you.  I love you too much to leave you in this condition and this is why I call you to repent of your sins, and come and follow Me.  I will bring you new life.  Behold, I make all things new!  Come, follow Me.”


My adorable Jesus, how great is Your love.  How infinite Your mercy and Your benevolence.  Thank You for Your kindness and mercy, Lord.


“My child, My child, the day is coming, indeed it is almost here when the heavens and earth will experience a great shaking, to the very foundations of the earth.  The sky will grow dark in the middle of the day and fear will strike the hearts of men.  When this occurs, I urge My Children of Light not to fear but to trust in Me.  I am with you.  God’s judgement on the world steeped in sin is coming for the blood of the holy innocents cry for justice.  The slaughter of the unborn in your land must cease and if people do not change from their wicked ways and stop the killing of innocents, God Himself will.  In His great mercy, He hears the cry of the poor, the vulnerable, the pre-born, the holy elderly who are put to death to relieve the ‘burden of care’ from self-centered, self-seeking, spoiled children.  Those who kill the innocents, work for My adversary and if mankind doesn’t awaken from their blindness to grave evil, it will be stopped by God the Father for He is holy and pure.  He created all life, out of love.  Those who attack the lives He created, those who cooperate, have been given every chance to turn from wickedness.  It is not yet too late, My lost children but soon it will be!  Convert while there is time.  God the Father, in His mercy and love, and because of the intercession of My Beautiful Holy Mother Mary will issue warnings to His children of the impending judgement.  This is not the final judgement of the world, but realize My lost children that if you perish during this time of judgement and come before God with an unrepentant heart, it will be your individual judgement.  So, do not delay your conversion of heart, for you know not the day or the hour.  The warnings will occur because of My Mother’s intercession for souls.  When the warnings occur, in the early stages, you must turn to Me.  If you do not, there will be no other time for you.  What will follow after the great trials, will be a time of peace for those who survive and for those who love Me.  My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.  The Holy Spirit will renew the face of the earth.  This will be the Era of Peace I have foretold through My prophets and in Holy Scripture.  Do not be afraid, My Children of Light.  You have nothing to fear for I will be with you.  My Mother protects you even now beneath Her mantle of protection.  You have been given all you need in the Sacraments.  Frequent them often, for the grace you receive not only serves to aid your growth in holiness, but it protects you from evil and strengthens your resolve to resist temptation.  You have been given all that is needed.  Make use of this, My children.” 


“My little lamb, each family member will be where I want them to be when the time comes, so do not worry.  I, your Jesus will see to each need.  I am taking care of everything.  Be open to My Will in each moment.  I will direct you.  I will direct My son, (name withheld) and all of your family and your friends.  Focus on the time to come, the Era of My Peace when you become weary.  When the burden of caring for others becomes heavy, come to Me for rest.  I will refresh your soul.  Be love, be mercy be light to those in darkness.  All will be well, My (name withheld), My (name withheld).  All will be well.”


Thank You for all You do for us, Jesus!  Thank You for Your guidance and direction.  Praise You, Lord for who You are, the Savior, the Redeemer of the World. 


“You are welcome, little one after My heart.  I hold your requests close to My heart and press them to Me.  You are dear to Me, little child of My heart.  I have given you the first step.  You may share it with My (name withheld).  Trust in Me for each step in the journey to My Will.  Do not run ahead but wait on Me.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  I give you all that is needed by way of My blessing, My little lamb.”


Thank You, Jesus.  I love You.


“And I love you.  Go in My peace.”


Amen!  Alleluia!

July 15, 2018  Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I believe in, hope in, love and adore You, my God and my King.  Thank You for the opportunity to be here with You, my Lord.  Praise and thank You for Holy Mass this morning.  Thank You for (name withheld).  Oh Jesus, how I wish he could remain here with us.  He and (name withheld) are both wonderful.  Your plans are better, though and I realize mine are shallow and short-sighted.  You know all things.  You know what is best, Lord.  Help us to be welcoming and accepting of Your dear, holy priests.  We want to show our love for You by loving them. 


Lord, thank You for our meeting with (names withheld).  How I love these beautiful children of Yours.  Jesus, I lift up (name withheld) to You and ask You to bless and heal him.  Renew his strength, Lord.  Both he and (name withheld) are in need of healing of their heart conditions.  I entrust all our needs to You, sweet Jesus.  You always take care of everything in the best way.  Lord Jesus, I place all my trust in You.  Lord, please comfort those who are ill, especially those on the (church names withheld) prayer lists.  Grant them Your peace.  Draw us all close to Your beautiful, merciful Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our beautiful, loving Mother.  Jesus, You know each and every intention and You know my needs.  I place each intention with Your capable hands, especially for my children and grandchildren.  Lead the ones who have strayed from the Church home and bring those who are outside of the church safely into the Ark.  My Jesus, I trust in You.  My Lord, I hope in You.  My God, I love You.  You are everything to me, Jesus and all that I have is Yours.  Thank You for loving me and for caring for our family and for all of Your children.  Jesus, give the world abundant graces for conversion, for repentance, and for love.  Help them God, to know and love You.  Help me to do my small part to spread Your love to others and to be Your instrument.  Bless the preborn and keep these holy innocents safe in their mothers’ wombs.  Bring the hearts of those in our nation back to You, Lord.  May our country truly be ‘one nation under God.’  May we be Your footstool, and one day be a light to other nations.  Jesus, have You anything to say to me?


“Yes, My child, I hold each intention closely within My Sacred Heart.  Do not fear tomorrow, or the future, My little one.  I am with you.  I guide and protect you.  My child, you have heard of warnings, calamities and all forms of disasters.  Keep your eyes on Me, My little lamb.  I am all that is needed.  Together, we will face each storm walking hand in hand.  If you become wet from the rain, you will be uncomfortable for a time, but water dries, My child and so will you, also.  Storms will come against you, but in the shelter of My Sacred Heart, nothing will harm you.  I walk with you both, My children.”


Thank You, Jesus.  Lord, I give myself to Your Eucharistic Heart.  Please give me graces to love You more and more. 


“My child, there is much I have yet to tell you.  I have begun to share My Heart with you.  You are prepared and now I will begin to share even more.  Little by little I am forming you for the plan I have for you and for your family.  My Mother guides you.  She loves you very much, as do I.  Yes, My little lamb you are correct in thinking that We love all of Our children.  This is true.  And yet, when I say this to your heart, I mean that We specifically love you!”


Thank You, my Savior.  I love You, also and I love Your Holy Mother Mary.  I love all the angels and saints and I love You, the Most Holy Trinity most.  I recognize that my love has great limitations, Jesus and so I plead with You to increase the love for You in my small heart.  You can do all things, Lord.  Increase my love for Your Sacred and Eucharistic Heart, if You please Jesus.


“My child, you are growing in your love for Me.  You do not see it, but this is true.  My child, do you not sense My nearness to you throughout the day?  Were you not lonely on Friday, My little lamb until you realized that I was with you?  You took comfort in our friendship, little one and you offered your loneliness to Me.  You offered it to Me in honor of My passion.  Graces were given to others as a result.  I allow you to identify with your brothers and sisters who are alone in the world and by your small sufferings they are consoled.  My child, what your mother taught you is true.  That is that nothing in this life is wasted when offered to Me.  No suffering, no trials, no difficulties are wasted when given to Me.  She taught you well, My child.  She prays for you from her place in Heaven.  She knows now the role you are to play on earth for My Kingdom.  She had an inkling about this on occasion, but now she is in the fullness of My presence and all things are known and are made known over time to My children in Heaven.  You do not know yourself for I have given only brief glimpses and have explained a little in bits and pieces for you would not be able to grasp your role all at once.  Trust in Me, My little lamb, for there is no need that you understand everything.  What is needed will be revealed in time, when you are ready.  I give only what is needed, when it is needed, and when the soul is prepared to receive what I give.”


Yes, Lord.  I really do not understand the deeper meaning, only that there is one.  I see only what is on the surface, Jesus.   I am small, Lord.  I am incapable of seeing the fullness of Your plan.  I only know that You have a master plan.  I am honored to do a small part for You, Lord, whatever that may be.  I do not even need to know what that is.  I am content to walk wherever You lead if only You remain beside me and with me in all our journeys, Jesus.  I can go anywhere You Will, if only You are with me.  Otherwise, I cannot take even one step.  Lead me, Lord.  Allow me the grace to always say ‘yes’ to Your Will, Jesus. 


“This is a worthy request, My little child and one that I will honor.  We are united.  You are in My heart and under the mantle of My Holy Mother Mary, the Beautiful One, the Pure One, the Immaculate One.  My child, My child, when the great storms come and the terrible shaking, you will have no fear.  It will be like the days when you were in the middle of an emergency with a patient, and I gave you clarity and peace.  You had the ability to remain calm and make good decisions.  You took action based on your training and there was no fear within you.  Do you recall, My child?”


Yes, Jesus.  I remember this well even though it has been years ago.  I was amazed by this grace that clearly came from You, because I could never have imagined this, nor could I have even known then to pray for this.  You gifted me with this grace and I have not forgotten it, Jesus.  I don’t know that I have realized it since then, though Lord. 


“My little one, you recall how it was with (name withheld).  Remember how calm you were in the midst of the crises at hand?”


Oh, yes.  I had almost forgotten this, Lord.  Of course, I remember.  (I haven’t forgotten the event, only how calm I was.)


“My child, this is one of My gifts.  You have this grace.  I allowed you to exercise it in times when it was needed.  It will be like this for you during the greatest trials.  You will have peace of heart and clarity of mind.  You will hear My voice, even more clearly than you do now and I will guide you in everything.  You will remain focused on Me, My little lamb.  You will work with My son, your husband (name withheld) and you will serve together in all that I need you to do.  You will care for all those I send to you and you will have the strength to do the work that is needed; the work I am asking of you.  This time of unknowing, I have allowed for you to test you.  This test is not to prove anything to Me, but to prove to you that you trust Me even when there is no light to see and when the path remains unclear to you.  One day soon MY (name withheld) and My (name withheld) you will understand why I have allowed everything to occur.  While it seems My plans have fallen apart, so to speak, they have not.  My plan for you has not changed.  It has not unfolded as you thought, but it is progressing exactly as I had planned.  You will look back one day and reflect on all that has transpired, the seeming misfortune, the heartaches, the betrayal, My call to you to love, to forgive, to be merciful and to be joy, and you will understand how critical the experiences I allowed for you have been to your growth.  Give Me your ‘yesses’ each day, My children.  All I require of you is your fiat to My holy, perfect Will.  Through your ‘yes’, I will work all things for good, My children.  All things.  My children, I will work all things out for you, no matter how seemingly impossible.  The only thing you are to do is to love and trust in Me.  This is all, My children and yet it is everything.”


My Jesus, my Lord I give You my ‘yes’ again, just as I did this morning.  Please accept this little ‘yes’ Jesus.  My will is Yours, Jesus.  I give it to You.  Give me Your Will in exchange.  May all I do be one with Your Will.  Jesus, I open my heart to all You wish to give me.  There is so much lacking in me, Lord.  You are the Giver of all that is good.  Give me whatever is needed, so that I can love as You love.  I know this sounds ridiculous and impossible but You, Lord can do everything.  Nothing is impossible for You. 


“My child, I know how you feel and how things appear to you.  You do not understand the ‘debacle’ as you call it, with (location omitted).  My child, your vision is incorrect.  This event has gone just as I wanted it to, though you cannot understand.  You will be in community one day, My child, just as the Father in Heaven explained to you.  All has not been wasted.  I dealt with problems occurring and these had to be dealt with for My Mother’s sake, for your sake and for all involved as well as for those to come.  This plan is much larger, My child than anything you can imagine.  Do not be focused on the details, which you cannot see clearly, My children.  I call you to a deep level of trust and I invite you to heroic love.  You must forgive and forgive fully, My children.  This is the great lesson of love.  You must do so before the next step in My plan unfolds.  It is a critical point in your journey to love.  My child, you are well on your way, but memories surface and you grow sad.  Do not be sad about what transpired.  The time for mourning about (location omitted) is over.  You were given this time of mourning out of My love for you.  This period in your lives was filled with grief.  Grief for loved ones who died, grief for your hopes and dreams that seemed to have died.  You were given very difficult obstacles and I led you through and over each one.  Let this be the beginning of a new day for you in which you move forward, accepting that My plan is broader than anything you can see.  Allow Me to lead you, for I know the plan.  I see each path and I know the one you shall take.” 


“My son, (name withheld) you must close the door of your heart so that no bitterness, no resentment can dwell there.  Only open your heart to the love of God.  Open your heart to trust, but do not open your heart when unforgiveness, resentment and anger knock.  You must not open the door when evil wants to enter, but protect your household, protect your heart.  You have been given a sword of righteousness, My son and it must never be used for self-righteousness, but only for the ways of God. My way is love.  My way is trust.  My way is mercy.  You will become even stronger when you fully accept the sword of righteousness, that yields mercy.  Be like Me, your Jesus, and be merciful.  Leave everything else to God the Father.  You must emulate the Father in His love, His wisdom (which comes from the Holy Spirit).  You asked for emotional healing, My son.  I am showing you the answer to this holy request.  The way I will heal you is for you to forgive all who have injured you.  You have been injured, My little son, there is no doubt.  The way to healing is through the cross of forgiveness and by this cross you will experience a resurrection.  Do not be afraid, My son.  No harm will come to you by forgiving your enemy.  Instead you will experience My healing, My love and through this, My son you will die to yourself and I will be your strength.  My strength, My power through love will be within you.  In this way, you will be prepared for the next major step in your journey.”


“My children, these lessons have been necessary for your spiritual growth and this growth is imperative for the plan and the mission of your lives.  It is within your free will to choose, My children.  I realize I ask much of you, but remember it is small compared to what I have done freely and willingly for you.  Will you continue to say ‘yes’ to your Jesus?”


Oh yes, Lord.  I give you my resounding yes.


“Thank you, My little lamb.  I will wait for My (name withheld) decision.  Allow him to read My words now, My child.  It is good for him to read now while he is in My physical presence where I can give him direct access to My Sacred Heart while we gaze upon one another.”


Yes, Jesus, as You wish.


Thank You for Your goodness, for Your love.  Thank You for my husband, for my family.  We belong to You, Lord.  All that we are, all that we have is Yours.  Use us as You Will, Lord.


“Thank You, My child.  I receive your love, your very heart.  You are united to My Heart, My child.  Remember that in My Heart, you will always find refuge.  In My Will, is your security, your peace.  Come to Me with every burden, every concern and give them to Me.  Allow Me to do the heavy lifting.”


Thank You, Lord.  Thank You for Your direction and guidance regarding my job, Lord.  You are wisdom, Lord and I am grateful for Your Perfect Will.  (I was telling the Lord about the issues I am facing at work and the difficulty accessing time with the executives.  He gave me insight regarding how he gave His people, in past times access to kings and queens and even the Holy Father when needed—such as St. Catherine who was a lay woman although very holy—He reminded me of this and asked me if I thought it would be difficult for the King of All Nations to grant access to executives.  Of course it isn’t!  He put my concerns to rest.  He reminded me to come to Him for every concern and to wait upon Him to work these issues out for His plan.  He will bring it to fruition if it is to be and if not, He will provide another way.  I am so glad Jesus wants us to confide every concern, no matter how small.  He never thinks problems are too small for Him and I never think they are too big for Him!)  I love You, Lord.  Jesus, help us to take up our crosses and follow You.  I know that is difficult for me to do, since I avoid suffering, but with Your help we can do what You ask.  Give us the grace to forgive fully and completely, as You have forgiven us.  Praise Your holy name, Jesus, now and forever.


“Thank you, My child, My little one.  Be at peace.  Be love, be mercy, be joy.  Remember, your home is not in this world, but in Heaven.  You do not feel you belong here, because ultimately you don’t however you are here for the time My Father has prescribed.  Together, we will make the most of it.  Go now, My children and enjoy the things I have revealed to you.  Reflect on them.  Discuss them.  Pray about them.  May these be a joy to you and another turning point in your lives.  I love you and I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go now in the great gift of peace which I give to you each day.  I love you.  Let us begin anew in the mercy and the joy I have given to you.”


Amen, Lord.  Alleluia!  I love You, my adorable Jesus.


“And I love you, My little one.” 

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