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Children of the Renewal Messages

January 2024 Messages

January 21, 2024  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  I love You, praise You and adore You, my Lord, God and King.  Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning!  Thank You for the opportunity to be in Your presence, Lord now and at Holy Mass.  I am very grateful that (name withheld) is able to go to Mass, Jesus.  Thank You for his healing up to now and I pray the healing will continue.  Please restore his brain, Jesus and clear all infection and symptoms of inflammation, scarring, etc.  Lord, I pray also for (names withheld), for (name withheld) full recovery and return home.  (Name withheld) must be exhausted.  Renew her energy, Jesus.  I pray also for (name withheld) and her father who is very ill.  Be with their entire family and help guide her regarding the health care decisions she is facing.  Cover our prayer groups with Your love, mercy and grace.  Give each person what they need, Lord.  Jesus, thank You also for allowing me to work from home while (name withheld) is recovering.  Thank You for taking care of us, Jesus and for seeing to all the details.  Bless the physicians and nurses who cared for him during his hospital stays and those who are now.


Lord, the evil in the world seems to be ramping up ever more than previously.  It’s hard to believe it could be any worse, but I believe it will be.  Thank You for giving us so many means of protection with the brown scapular, green scapular and the purple scapular.  Thank You for the various remedies Our Lady has provided through various visionaries.  Praise You, Lord Jesus for Your perfect provision for us.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in you.


“My little one, you are correct.  The level of evil is escalating because My children remain in disobedience.  They do not desire holiness or the things of Heaven, but focus too much on the things of this world.  There is little room in the hearts of mankind for God.  Therefore, the evil one fills this void in hearts.  They pursue wickedness out of their desire for money and power.  Some are simply lax and complacent, unwilling to follow Me they become tepid and compromising to please others.  My children, it is much better to be concerned with pleasing God Who is eternal, than to please those in and of the world.  It is time for a singular focus on God and My Kingdom that is coming to reign in the hearts of My sons and daughters and one day it will reign in the world.  My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.  Focus on living in My Will, My children so that you will be able to withstand the storm.  You will be peaceful and serene for My Will, ruling in your heart will prevail over worldliness and fear.  We will be united in our wills, in our hearts and minds and we will be one as My Father and I are one.  Remember, I prayed for this, My children.  This day is coming and it will be a splendid time of union with God.  I will restore creation to its original state.  This will bring much glory to God and will be a time of deep peace and love for My people.  Until then, you must draw even closer to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.  Be at peace.  Do not be afraid.  I am in control even when it appears otherwise.  I, the Lord your God am with you wherever you go.  Walk with Me.  Remain in Me.  Frequent the Sacraments, My children and remain in a state of grace by going to Confession and receiving your Lord in Holy Communion.  This is the greatest gift of grace for mankind.  That is all, My child.  It is late.  Thank you for coming to be with Me in this chapel.  I love you.  I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Go in peace.”


Thank You, Lord.  I love You!

January 7, 2024  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my dear, adorable Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist.  I love You my Lord, my God and my All.  Jesus, please accept my little ‘I love You.’  You deserve so much more but this is all I have.  I love You in the beautiful snowfall You sent to us.  It was so very soft, powdery and coated the trees and grass like powdered sugar.  We awakened to a beautiful winter wonderland.  Oh, Father!  Thank You for every gift of nature You lovingly send to us.  I place my little ‘I love You’ on every snowflake, tree and blade of grass that was coated in the purest white snow.  It reminds me of Our Lady’s Immaculate, pure white soul.  Create in me a clean and pure heart, Lord just like Blessed Mother’s.  Lord, thank You for this gorgeous season of love when You remind us of Your Holy Nativity, the Feast of the Holy Family, Epiphany, Our Lady’s Feast Day—May the Mother of God and so many beautiful liturgies, music and wonders from Heaven.  So many rich mysteries on which to meditate.  Thank You, Lord for so many blessings for mankind.  There is no way to properly thank You.  Oh, Lord I so want all of our children and grandchildren to share the gifts and riches of this amazing Catholic Faith.  Praise You for Your Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.  What a gift beyond all measure.  I want to share this with everyone, Jesus.  But, how can I?  Please, Lord show me the way to do this.  You must do this through me because I am incapable.  Lord, You pray through me.  You love through my poor love.  Evangelize through my weak attempts, Lord.  I can do nothing but You can do all things and You do everything perfectly.  Do these things through me, Lord.  Jesus, I ask that You care for (name withheld) and all of our grandchildren.  Bring them close to You, Lord for all of their lives.  Keep them close to Your Sacred Heart and to Your Mother’s Immaculate Heart.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.


Lord the man who is coughing so much, must feel terrible.  Please help him, Lord to be well.  Heal him and give him every grace needed.  I pray for healing for all who are sick and for my dear husband.  Thank You for every cross You allow us to carry, Lord.  Praise You and thank You for the opportunity to suffer.  When You deem it to be enough, I pray You will heal (name withheld).  Please help (name withheld) to get well, too and protect baby from getting sick.  All are in Your capable hands, Lord.  Thank You for Your perfect Will! 


“My little one, I realize this time of trials has been difficult for you and for My son.  Know that I am with you and I walk with you during these difficult days.  I am especially close to you.  I am teaching you how to surrender to Me.  There are many attachments My children of this age have.  Independence is a very strong attachment especially for My children in North America.  You are learning to depend on Me for everything.  This period of time is a good opportunity to recognize how much I do for you and also a time for you to be more aware that I carry you.  When you become overwhelmed it is because you are trying to carry the burdens.  This cannot be sustained My child for I am God and you are only My little lamb.  It is not possible for you to carry the weight of the world.  You know this, My child but sometimes you forget.  There is no place created in My children’s hearts for worry or fear.  I did not create My children to have this disease.  No, My child.  Your hearts were made for love, compassion, mercy and trust.  Still man takes on the fears from the evil one and also from their lack of trust because you have not learned to completely rely on God.  I am teaching My children this now.  It is best to learn this now, because the Time of Great Trials draws very near indeed.  The sooner My Children of Light learn to trust in Me completely, the better prepared you will be for the coming days.  For those who trust Me, the days will be challenging, but also exciting and days filled with wonder and awe for God the Father who will provide for your needs.  For those filled with fear and distrust, things will be most difficult.  Please learn to surrender now, My Children of Light.  I will carry you, teach you, protect you and help you to grow leaps and bounds in holiness.  Do not be afraid.  I am with you in each cross, each and every tear, every joy and sorrow.  I am always with you.  Learn to see Me in all life’s challenges, trials and successes.” 


“My child, I hear your prayers and I know the longings of your heart.  Rest assured that all will be well.  Trust in Me.  Go in peace, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld).  I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spi8rit.  Go in My love”


Thank, You, Lord.  I love You!


“And, I love you.”

December 31, 2023  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my beloved Jesus hidden out of love in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  I adore You, love You and praise You my Lord, my God and my King.


Happy vigil of the Feast of Mary the Mother of God!  Thank You for this glorious feast today of the Holy Family.  What treasures You have given us through the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. 


Thank You for Holy Mass and Confession.  Thank You that (name withheld) was able to attend Mass and that he is with me today in Adoration.  I see Your hand, Lord in every form of suffering and in each joy.  Lord, please forgive me the many times I have been frustrated and impatient.  Forgive me of my pridefulness, Lord.  Give me graces for patience, fortitude and for all that I need to walk more closely with You.  I need to die to myself, Lord and I thank You for showing me the many faults I have and especially all I need to conquer in myself that tempts me to sin.  Give me patience as You were patient when You carried Your cross to Calvary through the streets of Jerusalem when people were shouting and throwing things at You.  Give me graces to love even those who despise me, Jesus just as You loved those who persecuted You.  Give me graces for forgiveness for those who misunderstand me and assume negative motives when none exist, or who dislike me for no apparent (to me) reason.  Lord, forgive me for the times I have been thoughtless or unkind to others.  Forgive all of my sins from my youth until now.  I am sorry for the times I have hurt You by hurting others or for the times I have been indifferent.  Forgive me for being self-absorbed, Jesus rather than focusing on the poor, those who were in need, and even my neighbors or family members.  Help me, Lord to be a better witness, a better mother, friend, sister, aunt, grandmother and neighbor.  Lord, may 2024 bring much growth in my spiritual life and an increase in graces so that I will be much closer to You and therefore a better witness to Your love.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  I love You, Lord.  Help me to love You more and more.


Jesus, I pray for all Bishops in the Church especially as it pertains to those who attend the Synod on Synodality.  Move their hearts to remain in union with the teachings of the Church and the Gospel.  Work miracles of grace in and through them, Lord so that the outcomes will be nothing short of a miracle of grace.  Jesus, heal those who have been wounded or scandalized by others, especially when it has caused a wound to their souls and their faith.  Lord, only You know how to heal all wounds.  I pray especially for those who have no one to pray for them.  Heal them, Divine Physician.


“My child, My child, I hear your prayers and I thank you for entrusting these souls to Me.  Thank you for your love.  And yes, My little lamb I forgive you for the times you have not loved well.  I forgive each fall and I assist you always to get up and begin anew.  I am with you, My child.  Do not be afraid.  We walk together.  I will always guide and teach you, My child.  I wait patiently when you are frustrated and lacking in peace.  When you feel unrecollected, ask for My peace.  When you notice you are without patience, ask Me to fill you with My divine patience.  Ask for this, My child for it is a grace and also a fruit of the Holy Spirit.  I am the font of all grace and I give abundantly to those who ask.  Ask and you shall receive.  Seek and you shall find.  Knock and the door will be opened.  I repeat this to you and for others because often My children forget to ask Me for virtue and for fruits of My Holy Spirit.”


“My child, My Mother and I will teach you more about My Divine Will.  I am pleased that you are learning about this great gift to mankind.  You are correct when you said you have so much to learn.  It is true.  All of My children have much to learn and it pleases Me when My children recognize this.  Do not allow that to discourage you.  There is nothing anyone can learn without My assistance.  Nothing.  Even the most intelligent person on earth knows nothing compared to the knowledge and wisdom of God.  Everything man learns is by My grace, My blessing and My favor.  Recognizing this is a gift of humility, however be confident that I will assist you to learn about the Divine Will and My volition.  The more you give to this great work of God, the more grace you will receive.  This is true for each of My children who seek to know and to learn about the Divine Will.  I am with you, My child.  Pray to learn and to spread this great gift so that others will learn about My Divine Will.  My little one, you have become depleted but I will refill your heart and soul with My love and My peace.  Give yourself permission to sit with Me, to pray, to attend daily Mass when possible.  Ask Me to help you to clear your schedule and I will.  I remind you that I am here to help you to grow closer to Me and to become the daughter of Mine you were created to be.  I love you as you are and I also love who you are becoming in Me, Christ Jesus.  Be more aware of My presence within you and the anxieties in life will diminish.  Be at peace, My little lamb.  Rely on Me.  Do not try so hard by yourself.  I created you to rely on Me and it pleases Me when you do so.  Your reliance on Me delights Me; it comforts and consoles Me.  We are friends, you and I and if one can’t rely on one’s friends, life becomes very difficult, does it not?”


Oh, yes, Lord.  It certainly does!


“Well then, remember this, My child.  I am here for you.  I love you and all of My children-each one, individually.  My love is truly all you need.  When one has an open heart for love of God, love will flood the soul and My peace and joy come, also.  So, be at peace knowing I love you.  I love you!”


Thank You, my Jesus.  I love You also.  Help me to give Your love to everyone I meet and in each encounter.  Help me to send Your love to others even those who are far away.  Help me to love with Your love. You love through me, Lord since I am incapable of loving the way You love.  Act in and through me, Lord at all times so that I will be able to do what You want me to do and act the way You want me to act.  I love You, my Jesus.  Help me to love You more and more.  Lord, thank You for taking each concern for my husband and for sending the right physician, nurse, neighbor and friend exactly when needed.  Thank You for the support of our family members, their prayers, Masses and physical assistance.  Bless them abundantly for all they have done to bless us.  I praise and thank You for the healing You have done so far in (name withheld) and for the healing and restoration to health You continue to do in him.  Lord, help me to grow in virtue and especially in my love for You.  Thank You for the many blessings You give to our family and for the new little one who was born recently.  I am grateful, Lord.  Praise You for all You do for us and for Your love, Lord.  Praise You for all You have done to give us the gift of salvation.  Sanctify us, Lord so that we may love as if we were living in Heaven now. 


“It is My Will, My child and in time it will be so.”


Thank You, Jesus!!!


“I bless you and My son in My Father’s name in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace My Children of Light.  I walk with you.”


Amen, Lord.  Amen!

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