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Children of the Renewal Messages

July, 2024 Messages

July 28, 2024  Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  All praise, honor and glory be to You, Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank You, Lord for Holy Mass and Communion this morning.  I cannot adequately thank You for Your goodness and mercy, for Your passion, death and resurrection and for giving us the holy sacrifice of the Mass and the Seven Sacraments.  Every gift You give is perfect and holy, Lord.  Praise You, Lord.  Thank You for the week at (location withheld), Lord and for keeping (names withheld) and all the kids safe and in good company.  It was a good opportunity and (name withheld) really enjoyed this time of learning and comradery.  Jesus, on a different note, we were sad to learn of the disgraceful and blasphemous images on display in Paris at the Olympic games.  It was sickening to see how horribly You and the Apostles were mocked.  I pray for these degenerate souls or souls who are obviously filled with evil malice toward You and all that is good, true and beautiful.  Convert them, Lord and do not allow their souls to be lost forever.  There must be so much darkness in them.  Oh, Father, I can’t imagine what Your justice will be like due to the multitude of sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in addition to the sins of man against humanity in the murder of babies in the womb and countless other sins.  Oh, my Jesus, mercy, mercy, mercy.  We do not deserve Your mercy, but I pray for it nonetheless because I know You love mankind deeply, passionately and with such love that You laid down Your life for the salvation of our souls.  Jesus, I don’t know how to pray in light of such sin, but I ask You to help us and to shower the world with graces for conversion, a sincere contrition and an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit on the whole world.  Forgive me for the times I have sinned and have offended You, Most Holy God.  I love You and I desire to love You more and more.  I offer all of my works, joys, sorrows and suffering in reparation, Lord.  Lord, have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us one day to Your Heavenly Kingdom.


Lord, You have said I should bring every concern to You.  I do so now, my Jesus and I lay them at the foot of the holy cross.  I surrender each one to You, Lord and entrust the outcome to You.  You know each concern and care in my heart, Lord.  Unite me to Your Divine Will and may Your Holy Will reign in my heart and in my life and in the whole world.  I love You, Lord.  Make my heart larger so that I will love You more each day.  My heart is too small to contain the love due to You, Lord.  Enlarge my heart and increase my love.  Better yet, give me Your heart Jesus so that I can love You as You deserve to be loved.


“My child, My child, My little one, thank you for your love and prayers.  Thank you also for your visit today.  I accept your praise and your friendship.”


Thank You, Lord.


“My daughter, you are aware of the grave sins committed by humanity.  The evil disgusts you and all My holy people.  You do not even know the depth of evil but what you are aware of scandalizes you.  My child, I protect you and many of My followers from the details because it is not good for your souls to be exposed to so much evil.  Continue to comfort My heart, so wounded, with your love.  Make acts of reparation for the sins of these unbelieving brothers and sisters.  I call them your brothers and sisters for they too were made in the image and likeness of God.  They were made for Heaven and to love and to serve Me.  Each soul has a story in their journey of life that is riddled with wounds caused by others.  At some point, due to bitterness, pain, lack of love, they chose the life of anger and hatred and turned their backs on the One who loved them into being.  Many of these people are too far gone now.  Not because it is impossible for Me, for nothing is impossible for God.  But, I say impossible because their intellects and their wills have become so dark, they do not desire the graces I send them.  The light is blinding to them and they reject the light that I send.  They have grown so hard hearted and filled with sin and evil they do not want anything to do with goodness, including with Me, and they have given over their lives and their very salvation to serve the evil adversary, the father of lies.  My child, I stand at the ready always willing, always waiting for souls to repent and return to Me.  Each created one has free will as you know and therefore it is up to them.  When others pray, graces are sent to these souls and every help is given them, but if they continue to reject Me, it is their choice where their soul goes.  Many dark souls are already living hell on earth by their own choosing.  If these souls decide for God, I will rush to embrace them, forgive every sin and every evil committed against their brothers and against Heaven.  They will be like the laborers in the vineyard who did not work a full day but were given a full day’s wage.  Though their sins be as numerous as the stars, yet I will forgive them when they appeal to My mercy.  Sadly, most souls who have been steeped in sin, who have numbed their conscience and are in league with the underworld have too much pride to avail themselves of My mercy.  Yet, it is there for them and all of Heaven rejoices when one soul repents and returns to Me.” 


“My little lamb, My heart is very heavy due to the loss of so many souls.  Pray, My daughter.  You are not praying enough for these souls.  Who will help them?  I am counting on the prayers of My faithful ones.  Do all that you can, My child.  I say this to each and every one of My children.  Pull out all the stops, so to speak for there are many who can still be spared eternal damnation.  There are many who have not completely darkened their souls.  Many who can still change their lives and their direction.  Pray, My children.  Pray.  You become weary of prayer or the idea of prayer.  The more you pray, the more joyful you will be and you will see that you were made for prayer because you were made for love.  When you pray, you are united to God who is love.  Prayer is communication with God Almighty.  In this Age of Disobedience, this evil age, My children must be even more united to Me through prayer, the Scriptures and most importantly the Sacraments.  All of these must be the foundation for your lives.  Without this foundation, it is almost impossible to resist evil, My children.  I will protect you and your families when you live a life of obedience to God and fill your souls with these beautiful heavenly opportunities for grace.  Be aware of the times and take holy action by praying, reading Scripture, frequenting Mass and Confession and by living the Gospels.  Be merciful.  Be love.  Be joy!  Be like Me, My children.  Follow Me.  Do not follow the world.  Follow Me and it will be well for you.  I want each child of Mine to live full lives of love, joy and peace and I want each one in Heaven.  You must want this also for your loved ones and your friends.  Help Me to capture hearts for the love My children by your prayers and your holy examples.  This is all, My child.  I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in My peace.  I am with you.  All will be well.”


Amen!  Alleluia.  Thank You, Lord.  I love You.


“And I love you.”

July 14, 2004  Adoration Chapel

Hello my adorable Jesus hidden in the Most Holy Eucharist.  I love You, adore You and praise You my Lord, God and King.  Thank You for a beautiful Mass and Holy Communion this morning.  Thank You for holy Confession yesterday.  I thank You for the Sacramental graces You provide for us, Lord!  We are very blessed!  Lord, I thank You for protecting President Trump from the assassin’s bullet yesterday.  Please have mercy on the person, an innocent bystander, who was killed.  I also beg mercy on the other person reportedly wounded and on all their family members.  Jesus, please console their family members.  It must have been terrifying for those who witnessed the shooting.  Bless the physician who attempted to rescue one of the victims.  Please continue to protect President Trump from his enemies and all who want to harm him.  Protect his entire family, also.  Lord, Jesus please bring about peace in the world beginning with peace in the hearts of mankind.


“My child, My child on several occasions I prepared you for the trials to come through the messages.  My Mother and I have invited Our children to pray for their nations and the world for peace and for your shepherds.  People who are praying for their leaders will know by My divine protection.  My Mother is most interested in your nation as it has been consecrated to her under the title of Our Lady of America and the continent to her as Our Lady of Guadalupe.  She will no longer be able to hold back God’s hand of justice due to the sins and atrocities (a multitude over decades and decades) however your prayers are important to mitigate somewhat, and also to protect those who love and follow God.  They are also efficacious for conversions which are of the utmost importance.  Do continue to pray, My dear children, it is of vital importance.  I urge you to pray as I have asked.  This is the minimum, My children.  If you only truly realized the power of prayer you would pray even more.  You must trust Me when I tell you this and take Me seriously.  The times continue to grow darker and darker as evil realizes God has limited its day.  Pray, My children.  Pray.  I can only stress the importance of prayer for so long.  You must believe and put it into action.” 


“My children, the outcome of the war is in God’s hands and you know it will end in the Triumph of My Most Holy Mother Mary’s Heart.  Her heart and My heart are in perfect union.  What you do not fully realize is the degree of cooperation required of you to win each battle, and there are many yet to come.  You need not worry, only pray.  You see, My dear children, how I protected My son, Donald Trump?  It was due to your prayers and petitions for his protection.  He is trying to do My Will.  Yes, perhaps imperfectly, but I ask you which of you do My perfect Will?  Yes, there are some followers of Mine who are very closely united to Me.  Indeed, there are some living saints who are very dear to Me.  But what I mean is there are few people in the limelight who are also politicians or public servants who really want to serve for the good of the people, My people.  He is one of the few, My children.  Pray for him.  Pray for his conversion.  Pray, also for the enemies of freedom, for these are not only enemies of freedom of country, but they are also enemies of God.  They do not want people who are God’s children to live in freedom because they desire to oppress people, to keep them from worshipping the One True God, from praying, and from having and rearing children.  They want to kill humanity and enslave those who survive their deviant, evil plans.  This My children is why you must pray, frequent the Sacraments, read Sacred Scripture and fast.  Reflect on these words, My children and pray for enlightenment of the Holy Spirit so that you will understand and heed My request.  By doing so, you will be able to withstand the enemy.” 


“My children, you already know that when the Illumination of Conscience occurs there will be people who will spread false information that something scientific occurred or something in earth’s atmosphere changed causing a psychological phenomenon.  Some will believe this lie but many will know this is not true for they will remember vividly their encounter with Me.  Pray for those who will doubt.  Pray that they repent of their sins and follow Me.  I do not want to lose one single soul.  Pray, My children.  Pray.  The public broadcasters have been deceiving you for years.  They work to cause fear in the hearts of My children so that by your fear, they can enact tyrannical laws which you otherwise would not agree with.  You will continue to see this behavior as they attempt to explain away things you even saw with your own eyes, causing you to doubt.  Do not doubt yourselves so much My children for when you are praying as I have requested you will have clear direction from Me as well as the grace to carry out My requests. (Prayer being one of My requests.) It sounds like circular logic but this is the economy of God.  The closer you grow to Me through prayer, the more graces I bestow on you, My children and the more open you are to receive these graces.  Be at peace knowing you are doing My Will.  Trust in Me and entrust your loved ones and family members to Me.  All will be well.  Do all I have asked you to do.  Also, My children remember to live the Gospel.  Love one another as I have loved you.  Follow Me, My children.  You are My little apostles.  I love you.  Follow Me.  To do so you must keep your eyes on Me.”


Thank You, Lord for being with us during these difficult times.  I know You will never leave us.  I am concerned for those who do not follow You and do not know You.  We lift up in prayer our family members who have strayed from the Church and those who are not united to the One True Holy and Apostolic Church.  Bring them close to Your Sacred Heart.  Open the eyes of their hearts, Lord to see You and to know that You are God.  Give them the gift of Faith before it is too late for their souls to repent and convert.  Lord, we never know the day nor the hour that we will stand before You for our judgement.  Just like the person who was killed attending the rally.  He/She didn’t expect to be shot and killed.  I beg You for mercy on that person’s soul, Lord.


“My child, do you remember that you and My son (name withheld) prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet and offered it for those who would die that day, especially for those unprepared for their deaths?  When My children offer their chaplets for souls who will perish during that day or night, these souls receive the promises attached to the Chaplet I gave to St. Faustina for the world.  Do you not see how great are the promises attached to the prayer of the Chaplet?  Be not afraid.  Trust in My mercy, My children.  I am counting on you, My children to pray and to trust in Me.”


Thank You, my Jesus.  I am most grateful, Lord.  We do trust in You.  Increase our trust so that we trust more and more.  I love You, Lord.  Thank You for my family and friends.  They are a blessing in my life.  You have blessed me abundantly.  I entrust each member of our family and each friend to You, Lord.  Wrap them in Your warm, protective mantle and protect them from all harm. (spiritual and physical) Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.


“Thank you, My little one.  Go in My peace.  I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.  Go in peace and in the mercy of God.  Ask the saints to intercede for you, My child.  All will be well.” 


Amen, Alleluia!  Thanks be to God!

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