Holy Family Refuge Messages
2019 Message Links by Date
12/17/19, 12/2019 Healing Prayer, 11/14/19, 10/7/19, 9/14/19, 8/4/19, 7/18/19, 7/9/19,
Jericho Prayer Walk Overview, 6/14/19-Jericho Prayer Walk Extended through 12/31/19, 5/30/19,
5/19/19, 5/2/19 Oasis of Peace-Jericho Prayer Walk Message, 4/15/19 Jericho Prayer Promise, 3/24/19,
3/7/19, 3/2/19, 2/26/19, Oasis of Peace 2/26/19, Oasis of Peace 2/25/19, Oasis of Peace 2/24/19,
2/22/19, 2/19/19, 2/11/19 Messages/Vision, 2/8/19, 2/6/19, 2/1/19, 1/22/19, 1/14/19, 1/1/19,
5/1/19 Modified Our Lady of America/Statue of Liberty (revisions made by friends of the HF Refuge)
2/11/19 Original Our Lady of America/Statue of Liberty Pictures & Messages
The Girl of My Will in Jesus Links, Holy Family Picture & Message, Requested by God the Father
December 17, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of Amiens [France]
God the Father Speaks with all of Heaven and St. Michael as Guard and Protector
I want to thank My most beloved priest son, Fr. Michel, and all who helped or took part in this special mission. All of Heaven visited you many times this past week. ALL of Our children who took part in ANY way were blessed by Heaven in a special way through My beloved priest son, Fr. Michel. I, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was very excited with all your actions and love for each other through the Flame of Mary’s Love from the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity.
We, the Most Holy Trinity, will also give this most holy blessing to anyone who asks from the heart for themselves, for family, for friends, or for lost souls, both living and in Purgatory. The blessing is for this evil time which is also the most blessed time since the beginning of creation. The time you are in, right now, until 6 weeks after the Warning will be the easiest time to save your soul or someone else’s because there are more graces available to the people on Earth now than at any time in the history of the world. After the 6 weeks following the Warning, all hell will break loose over the whole earth except in the refuges prepared for people with the cross on their forehead. I, God the Father, will darken the earth the last 3 days of this era of time and cast all the evil back into hell and chain them up for the thousand-year Era of Peace and the New Heaven and Earth.
As I have told you before, you can ask the angels and saints in Heaven for help at any time. All the souls in Heaven also want you to know that they would be honored to be asked to be spiritual mothers or fathers to any children on Earth or in Purgatory to help their Guardian Angels to take care of them —especially children who have been abandoned by their parents.
I, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit thank you for loving us. Merry Christmas, this special blessing is your Christmas present for this year. Amen.
December 2019, God the Father’s Healing Prayer
A new prayer from God the Father to help His children in this time of battle
God the Father added to this prayer in June, 2020. This is the revised prayer.
November 14, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of the Grotto [Lamego, Portugal]
God the Father of Heaven and Earth and the Most Holy Trinity with the Blessed Mother
God the Father speaks: Our beloved children of Heaven and Earth, I have told you many times that if you do not stop abortion, same-sex marriage, and sins of the flesh, I would stop America and all the World. I have also told you that your President and Vice President were sent from Heaven to drive the evil out of the White House. I have also personally warned your Democrat Party that if they did NOT follow your President, I would destroy the Democrat Party.
Look what you are doing, trying to destroy My leaders that I, God the Father, sent to save your country. I have sent disaster after disaster to try to get you to stop abortion. I have told you personally that if abortion and sins of the flesh are not made illegal in your country, your country will be destroyed. Most of the souls of the people who gave testimony against your President yesterday are on the edge of hell and ready to fall into hell if they died today. I tell all of them to get on their knees today and ask forgiveness.
My children, you are not following the Ten Commandments of God and the Democrats are fighting against your President for the same things that your last President was guilty of. They are just trying to cover up their own crimes. You had a Communist President for eight years who tried to take America down and give it over to the Deep State. Now, the Democrats know that Our President is going to convict all of them if they do not take him down. Wake up and ask forgiveness so I, God, can still save your souls.
The storms and disasters will keep getting worse all over the world unless abortion and same-sex marriage are outlawed. The days are being counted down before millions will die if abortion and same-sex marriage are not stopped. There is no such thing as same-sex marriage, it is all satan’s relationships, not My relationships. There is no such thing as same-sex marriage in the laws of God the Father of Heaven and Earth. Love, God the Father of Heaven and Earth. The time is here.
October 7, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
My love, My beautiful one, this is your Mother in Heaven. I have not spoken to you in a while. I come to you and all My children that I love dearly. The time has come for many more disasters. My children, many of your leaders in the government refuse to go by God’s standards. My Son has told you, if abortion is not stopped in America, He will stop America. All of your leaders, who keep promoting abortion and same-sex relationships, will be taken down by Heaven. My Son told you He would not let another generation in your country be taken down by abortion and same-sex relationships. The time has come for much more suffering as long as the Ten Commandments are not followed in your country. My Son has told America to stop abortion and choose life or He would stop you.
You have not listened to His warning so expect many natural disasters. It is so sad for the Mother and Father of Heaven to have to permit destruction on your country. Expect the Warning soon and then 40 days of peace will be given to let His children convert their lives before all hell will break loose in the world. The 40 days will be the last time for My children to convert and ask forgiveness before My children are taken to the refuges and the rest of the Earth will be going through all kinds of hell because they refuse to repent and ask God’s forgiveness. The refuges will be protected from all kinds of disasters—from land, sea, and air. They will be protected by all My good angels. When you are in the refuges, you will have no fear from anyone.
Go to God and ask forgiveness for your sins now before it is too late, or stay in mortal or deadly sin and end up in hell for all eternity. Love, the Sorrowful Mother of God. I love all of you. Do not forget to ask God’s forgiveness from your heart to a Catholic priest, or your confessor, or God Himself. Amen.